At Enterprise Casting Corporation, we utilize a variety of quality assurance techniques with a focus on stringent process control to ensure the quality and consistency of our castings. Enterprise Casting Corporation follows a quality management system that has been ISO 9001:2015 accredited.
Incoming raw materials are ordered to exact specifications and are verified upon receipt. Raw materials are analyzed in-house or by an outside laboratory to ensure consistency.
Each heat of gray and ductile iron poured at Enterprise Casting Corporation is analyzed thermally before and after tapping out.
Enterprise Foundry utilizes an in-house spectrometer to analyze our iron as well as our incoming raw materials. Each charge is analyzed and adjusted to ensure every part meets specification.
Enterprise Casting Corporation utilizes several Brinell testers on site. Brinell readings are taken on each ship lot and recorded in our process control database.
Our ductile iron heats and gray iron heats are analyzed metallographically at Enterprise Casting Corporation. Periodic samples from both ductile and gray iron heats are sent to a certified partner laboratory of analysis to ensure continued consistency and adherence to specification.
Enterprise Casting Corporation has the capacity to lay out castings on site. This is done on a regular basis in order to assure that castings are to the blueprint dimensions. Layouts are performed on first-time or revised castings before allowing them to go to full production.
We are a world class supplier of high quality gray and ductile iron castings to industries throughout North America and beyond.